Solutions For Investment Consultants

PFaroe DB
For Investment Consultants

Leverage analytics designed for
DB pension plans

The typical investment consultant has access to large amounts of asset research, expertise, and modeling capabilities for performing investment studies. In the context of DB pension plan investing, however, certain actuarial or liability expertise may not always be available in-house. PFaroe helps to bridge that gap.

PFaroe possesses a rigorously designed – and tested – actuarial toolkit that investment consultants can use to advance their expertise in designing solutions for their DB pension clients. In fact, many household names in the actuarial community use PFaroe for all of their own modeling needs and have helped contribute to making it a multi-year award winning platform. From inflation-linked pension plans, to lump-sum-convertible plans, to cash balance and pension equity plans, PFaroe’s liability model is equipped to address the dynamic investing needs of any pension plan, regardless of complexity.

PFaroe goes even further, however, by integrating regulatory liability metrics – from funding requirements to pension cost calculations – in order to allow for truly liability-aware investing. For instance, switching out a particular fixed income manager will impact not only the risk/return structure of the plan’s investment portfolio, but also future cash requirements. An investment consultant that anticipates these cross-balance-sheet impacts will be able to engage much more dynamically with their clients and prospects.

Increase efficiency and productivity

PFaroe provides a comprehensive platform encompassing all actuarial valuation and analytical requirements. Its robust liability valuation system has been designed to be intuitive, user-friendly and transparent. An innovative approach to modeling ensures valuation outputs can be completed more efficiently whilst seamlessly integrating with other PFaroe functionality. Improve collaboration with internal and external investment teams

Alternatively, consultants can set up a suite of analytics for a client using summarized data within just an hour. This is a game-changer both in terms of providing cost-effective solutions and in delivering more impressive presentations for business development.

RiskFirst’s client-driven philosophy means that analytics continue to evolve to meet the changing needs of plans and consultants.

Design more effective portfolio solutions

Strategic investment allocation studies have been the remit of investment consultants for decades. PFaroe adds a new flavor to this exercise in that potential investment options: are web-based, distributable, and interactive for use in live client meetings. Users can interact dynamically with plan liabilities and critical liability metrics enabling nimble decision-making through the use of comprehensive and visually-appealing risk metrics.

Furthermore, illustrating manager selection has never been more versatile. PFaroe allows the investment consultant to approximate custom manager benchmarks in PFaroe, compare and contrast the impact of a variety of selections, and then display the results in the context of its cross-balance sheet impact on the plan. Stochastic analysis can be leveraged to illustrate how any manager selection will play out over multiple years and under many different future economic scenarios.

PFaroe’s value proposition allows for an integrated conversation to occur, on one platform, combining the investment consultant, the actuarial consultant, and the investment manager.

Win clients and cultivate strong engagement

PFaroe empowers investment consultants to engage with clients more interactively than ever before, providing on-demand desktop analysis of pension funding and risk positions. Comprehensive ‘What if?’ functionality allows discussions and scenario testing in real time. PFaroe makes complicated concepts and analytics intuitive, leading to more informed clients with a desire for increased, and deeper, dialogue with their consultants. Provide consulting services that bridge both assets and liabilities

Clients can also be provided with direct access to PFaroe’s functionality, making reporting more efficient. Enhanced reporting to plan sponsors supports a better understanding of pension risk and can lead them to make more confident funding and investment decisions.

PFaroe’s modular functionality allows consultants to tailor analytics to the needs of the client.

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At the point when clients come first, awards follow